Wednesday, February 10, 2010

You are my girlfriend~~


From the author of Special A, a oneshot about a girl named Hatsune with a "bad mouth", for lack of a better description. She's kind-hearted and all, but her mouth spews the total opposite of what she means (which is probably due to the fact that she grew up with five brothers, a father, and no mom). And so she is seen as an arrogant, mean girl at her school, and that is why she hasn't had a boyfriend for the past fifteen years of her life. Well, that is, until she gets accepted at this Maidens' Club, where she meets a guy called Kirie with a somewhat unique habit (it happens when a girl comes within six inches of him). How will these two fare? Will Hatsune finally have a boyfriend at last? Will she be more than just a "girl" friend?

sebanarnya, aku dah lama tak baca komik.. tiba2 nak hilang bosan bukak la one manga.. terjumpa pulak komik nie.. kategori romance, shoujo and comedy.. mcm menarik je.. so aku baca la.. dah baca tak boleh lepas.. walaupon komik nie dh lama, tp best ape.. kluaran nov 2007.. bg aku as a girl mmg la best tp orang lain tak tau la..

ada 4 je chapter~ sbb aku tak sanggup nak baca cerite yang panjang2 nie....
nie semua front page chapter2 tu..

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